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3 Reviews for “Oka Pharmacy Guam”
  1. June 8th, 2011
    Hannah Says:

    This pharmacy is not hard to find and their over the counter medicines wouldn’t break the bank.

  2. May 26th, 2011
    Cookie Says:

    I’m not sure if Oka was the cheapest pharmacy in Tamuning, but their prices were definitely reasonable.

  3. April 19th, 2011
    Nelton Says:

    A bad headache on my way to Tamuning made me drop by Oka Pharmacy. I found it to be cheaper than to other drug stores. Not too big of a difference, but it will still save you money.

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Oka Pharmacy in Guam. Guam Oka Pharmacy.  Guam accommodation, Guam Oka Pharmacy | z 10:33 pm | Monday, February 9, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 22:33 | | 2009, February 9, Monday | guam vacation, 22:33 | Monday, February 9th, 2009 | 10:33 pm