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8 Reviews for “SM Store Guam”
  1. November 24th, 2014
    David Says:

    If you’ve ever been to an SM in the Philippines then you know what we have in Guam pales terribly. The average children’s department in a Philippines SM is larger than the whole store in Guam. It does give Filipinos a little taste of home though. It had more merchandise back when I lived here in 2009 than it does in 2014.

  2. July 30th, 2012
    jhayoliver villacensio Says:

    i hope our brand will be having a branch there at sm guam,MICHEL ANDRE men’s formal under menswear dept.

  3. September 22nd, 2011
    Dennis Schulman Says:

    Please forward your corporate office (for buyers)phone number. Thank you

  4. June 14th, 2011
    Giggles♄ Says:

    What? There’s SM in Guam? WOW! This is really cool. I would definitely shop there once I’m back.

  5. November 12th, 2009
    ... Says:

    SM feels like a KMART and a ROSS.

  6. April 16th, 2009
    Roy Says:

    Oh, and I forgot to mention they also sell filipino DVD’s and CD’s by filipino music artists.

  7. April 16th, 2009
    Roy Says:

    SM Store has been on Guam for about 2 years now. They are a big department store chain in the Philippines. They sell clothing, perfume, filipino snacks, household items, and shoes and other footwear.

    They have a nice selection of dress shoes there for very low prices.

  8. April 14th, 2009
    Rita Lyn Says:

    I Heart SM! One of my favorite stores on Guam. Sure they don’t carry the expensive name brand stuff, but I go to SM for the great prices, and big selection. They have so many things for girls. I feel sorry for the guys sometimes because the girls section takes up most of the store.

    You can also get guy stuff here, like really nice shirts, quickdries, shoes & sandals.

    Oh, and also they have lots of asian and filipino goodies.

    If you are tourist or military, you should check out SM for your souvenirs & gifts too.

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SM Store in Guam. Guam SM Store.  Guam business, Guam SM Store | z 11:17 pm | Wednesday, February 4, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 21:16 | | 2009, April 9, Thursday | guam vacation, 23:17 | Thursday, April 9th, 2009 | 9:16 pm