HotProfile: BCBG Max Azria


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2 Reviews for “BCBG Max Azria Guam”
  1. September 26th, 2010
    RIKKI Says:

    Hello everyone:)
    I shopped a lot in Your store and Erica who was pregnant at that time sold me a lot of clothes.I hope she and the baby are ok,please tell her that I lost all my contacts in my phone.I will be back in Guam soon and shop in your store a lot again:)
    Please give Erica my current e-mail address(is going to change later on as well)I would really appreciate it.
    Thank you kindly

  2. September 26th, 2010
    RIKKI Says:

    Hello everyone:)
    I have been shooping a lot in Your store,especially with Erica who was pregnant at that time but I have seen her regularly every week and put clothes on lay away.(I worked in G-spot):)
    I have lost all my phone numbers due to my phone malfunction.
    My ph.n. has changed and I would appreciate if You would give her my new ph.n. 914 312 5117 and my current valid e-mail address.
    I hope she and the baby are ok,I will be back in Guam soon and definitely come shoping in Your store like I use to.
    Thank you kindly Rikki

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BCBG Max Azria in Guam. Guam BCBG Max Azria.  Guam accommodation, Guam BCBG Max Azria | z 6:33 am | Monday, January 26, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 4:56 | | 2009, February 13, Friday | guam vacation, 6:33 | Friday, February 13th, 2009 | 4:56 am