HotProfile: Guam Automotive Clinic


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2 Reviews for “Guam Automotive Clinic Guam”
  1. March 18th, 2013
    Carl Says:

    Hi, I am the owner of FOCUSTYRE CO.,LTD, which can supply you GOODRIDE br. tyres to Guam. It is top quality of chinese tyres, but still an economic sizes.
    Please reply to me, if you are interested in purchase tyre business.
    My contact: [email protected]

    Best Regards!


  2. April 21st, 2009
    Ronald Says:

    Guam Automotive clinic mainly focuses on sport racing items. So they sell shocks, but they are racing struts.

    They also sell parts for raising your truck. If you are just looking for parts for normal stock vehicles, I wouldn’t recommend going here, as they are mainly a sports racing & 4 by 4 supply store.

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Guam Automotive Clinic in Guam. Guam Guam Automotive Clinic.  shopping in Guam, Guam Guam Automotive Clinic | z 3:38 am | Sunday, January 25, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 3:38 | | 2009, January 25, Sunday | guam vacation, 3:38 | Sunday, January 25th, 2009 | 3:38 am