Ifil Shop

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The carvings are great! Mr. Taitano is really a master in his craft. Great job sir!
I salute this man (Mr. Taitano) for his outstanding talent! His skill as a wood carver is really unquestionable!
Ifil Shop is not a doubt, the best store when it comes to wood carvings. Excellent job by Mr. Bob Taitano.
Mr. Taitano (Bob) is one of Guam’s Master wood carvers. Ifil (pronounced Ifit) is a very hard wood on Guam that is good for carving.
If you want authentic guam woodwork, carved using the ancient Chamorro techniques, then this is the guy to see. He’s not always open, but you can catch him open on Wednesday evening, when the Chamorro Village Fiesta is going on.