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Townhouses for sale in Quezon City

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3 Reviews for “Princess Jolie Guam”
  1. June 12th, 2011
    Melissa Says:

    Princess Jolie is just a small store yet they have almost everything your little girl might need. My daughter loves her things from this shop :D.

  2. June 8th, 2011
    Jasmine Says:

    Princess Jolie has a lot of unique stuffs for your little girls. You might want to visit them and check. I had few dresses for my youngest from them.

  3. April 13th, 2009
    Janine Says:

    Excellent place to shop for dress-ups for your little princess. They offer a lot of unique accessories, dresses,and shirts that you can’t find anywhere else on Guam. I bought a dress here for my daughter for Halloween in 2008.

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Princess Jolie in Guam. Guam Princess Jolie.  Guam bar, Guam Princess Jolie | z 9:45 pm | Monday, February 9, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 21:45 | | 2009, February 9, Monday | guam vacation, 21:45 | Monday, February 9th, 2009 | 9:45 pm