HotProfile: Sunny Electronics


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3 Reviews for “Sunny Electronics Guam”
  1. October 10th, 2010
    Liam Says:

    To Alejandro,

    I can’t find their website or contact number but I saw they have a Facebook account that you might want to check.

    Just search for Sunny Electronics Guam. Try to send a message to whoever administrates that page.

  2. September 8th, 2010
    Alejandro Says:

    I need your help with my car stereo. How can I get in touch with them? They don’t have their address or contact number here.

  3. April 13th, 2009
    Jeffrey Says:

    They do custom car stereo installs, and security for your home. I like these guys because, when it comes to repairs they also will take care of that. A lot of times if you buy an item from a general electronic store, they don’t specialize on repairing it as well.

    Sunny does.

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Sunny Electronics in Guam. Guam Sunny Electronics.  Guam restaurants, Guam Sunny Electronics | z 8:59 pm | Monday, February 9, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 20:59 | | 2009, February 9, Monday | guam vacation, 20:59 | Monday, February 9th, 2009 | 8:59 pm