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The Carpet Store Guam

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3 Reviews for “The Carpet Store Guam”
  1. June 8th, 2011
    Caden Says:

    I highly recommend The Carpet as this store knows how to value and care for their customers. They don’t settle for less, making sure that they only offer high quality products and services.

  2. May 16th, 2009
    Jerome Says:

    This is one of the few carpet store on Guam, so alot of business goes through them. Other stores offer limited selection, but no one focuses on carpets like these guys do. They are also the exclusive distributor for several brands.

  3. April 13th, 2009
    Jerry P. Says:

    I got my carpet here when I moved in to my new place. They have the largest selection on island, these guys are really the ones on Guam who specialize in brining in unique designs. They have the largest selection of carpets to choose from on island (that I know of).

The Carpet Store Guam Phone Number:


The Carpet Store Guam Address:

Behind ITC Building.

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The Carpet Store in Guam. Guam The Carpet Store.  hotels Guam, Guam The Carpet Store | z 8:50 pm | Monday, February 9, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 5:37 | | 2012, April 20, Friday | guam vacation, 20:50 | Friday, April 20th, 2012 | 5:37 am