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5 Reviews for “Prestige Automobiles Guam”
  1. June 9th, 2013
    vinillaguerrilla Says:

    Very difficult to buy a vehicle from these people. I suppose being the only show in town you can afford to take your sweet time…. NEVER AGAIN….

  2. January 17th, 2011
    Chris Says:

    Can someone email me and let me know if Prestige Automobiles sells BMW parts. I would really appreciate it. [email protected]

  3. January 13th, 2011
    Richard L Says:

    the only car dealer sell BMW. The costumer service is not good. I wish there is another one around in Guam.

  4. April 16th, 2009
    Janel C. Says:

    On Guam only one company is allowed to be a distributor for a certain car brand. It’s kind of dumb because all they do is jackup the prices because they have no compeitition.

    Anyways, they sell Subaru & BMW here.

  5. April 7th, 2009
    Henderson Says:

    This is where you can get BMW’s & Subaru vehicles on Guam.

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Prestige Automobiles in Guam. Guam Prestige Automobiles.  guam stores, Guam Prestige Automobiles | z 9:56 pm | Monday, February 9, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 0:03 | | 2009, September 26, Saturday | guam vacation, 21:56 | Saturday, September 26th, 2009 | 12:03 am