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Green Smoke Guam

I am an independent Guam sales representative of Green Smoke, Inc. (Darrell Pangelinan)

Discount Coupons:
disc5-11775 – 5% Off
disc10-11775 – 10% Off
(10% coupon minimum purchase is $100)

Green Smoke is a revolutionary new nicotine delivery system that provides a healthier alternative to traditional cigarette smoking. With traditional cigarettes, the smoker is forced to inhale thousands of unwanted chemicals and carcinogens along with the nicotine. With Green Smoke, this is a thing of the past!

The Green Smoke electronic cigarette delivers only the nicotine. No tar… No carbon monoxide… No smoke or second hand smoke… No ash. Feel refreshed yet? You should because the “Green” in Green Smoke means that the nicotine is delivered in a completely clean and odorless vapor. That’s because Green Smoke doesn’t burn the nicotine like yesterday’s cigarettes… instead it vaporizes it.

How does it do that? Well… its electric. That’s right… an e-cigarette! We have e-mail, e-shopping, e-news, e-phones, e-cameras… isn’t it time we moved on to e-cigarettes? Now you can throw that lighter away along with the rest of your old-fashioned cigarettes. With Green Smoke, there is no need for a lighter… just pull it out and start puffing… you will immediately enjoy the same nicotine, but you will be healthier and… wealthier!

Green Smoke is not only easy on your lungs, but also easy on your wallet. In fact, Green smoking will save you up to 75% on your cigarette expenses. How much is that? Use our savings calculator to see just how much money you can save.

Green Smoke Guam

Makati house for sale

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4 Reviews for “Green Smoke Guam”
  1. September 4th, 2014
    Bob Says:

    Please provide directions yo your store from the Sheridan Hotel in Guam. I will be in Guam soon…Thx

  2. March 28th, 2013
    Ana Says:

    Hi, please provide your contact info so I can order products from green smoke.

    My email is [email protected]

  3. August 5th, 2011
    Roger Says:

    I’ve tried e-cigs and it’s cool. It’s easy on your lungs, the environment, and your wallet. I almost gave my boss a heart attack though when she saw me puffing in my cubicle, but I explained how e-cigs work. It’s all good.

  4. May 10th, 2011
    Diamond Says:

    I had never imagine smoking can be this safe. Wow! I don’t smoke at all but I bought this for my godparents who can’t quit smoking. Now, we can be sure they are not killing their selves and the people around them. They so loved it!

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Green Smoke in Guam. Guam Green Smoke.  Guam directory, Guam Green Smoke | z 6:12 am | Wednesday, January 28, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 9:38 | | 2011, March 16, Wednesday | Guam job, 6:12 | Wednesday, March 16th, 2011 | 9:38 am