HotProfile: Meena’s


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4 Reviews for “Meena’s Guam”
  1. July 26th, 2011
    Lydia Says:

    I bought jeans here when I lost my luggage. They had a lot to choose from. I had a hard time picking two pairs.

  2. June 8th, 2011
    Melanie Says:

    My favorite jeans was from this store!

  3. May 26th, 2011
    Natalie Says:

    Have few of my jeans from Meena’s. It fits me well before but as I get bigger I need to get back and buy new ones. Hahaha :).

  4. April 21st, 2009
    Rachel Says:

    Just like the sign says, this is a Guam Jeans store. That is their specialty.

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Meena’s in Guam. Guam Meena’s.  guam holiday resort, Guam Meena’s | z 12:55 am | Tuesday, February 10, 2009 | HotGuam-Shop | 0:55 | | 2009, February 10, Tuesday | guam vacation, 0:55 | Tuesday, February 10th, 2009 | 12:55 am