Emily Fine Jewelers

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Mon-Sat 10:30am to 6:30pm
Known for unique and trendy fine jewelry, customers trust our brand to be the best in style, quality, and value.
We are proud to have been the Jeweler for past Guam Visitor’s Bureaus’s Miss Guam Tourism Pageants. We have sponsored many other pageants and fashion shows as well.
Our custom made Guam Seal Pendant has semi-precious stones set in Rose Gold. There are only two in existence.
The other, is on display at the Guam Visitor’s Bureau, and can also be seen on the reigning Miss Guam Tourism.
14k gold
Please send me catalog of your wedding rings.Thank you.
Just got word that “Emily Fine Jewelers Guam” moved from Micronesia Mall to Century Plaza in Tamuning.
When will they open the new location?
I’m waiting for this store to reopen. Heard they’re opening outside the mall.
Haven’t been able to buy anything I like since they closed last year at the mall. All the other stores have the same stuff. Yea, can’t wait!