Micronesian Goldsmiths

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Please n thank u could u sent me ur website I would really love to order from it
Hi, can I get your website or send me ur catalog. Thankz
could you send me the website so i can order some form
Can u sent me your website so I can order pleaseeeee and thank u
can u please email me ur webside so I can look some up and order on line pleaseeeeeee
My adress is 302NW 59Terr.Gladstone Mo 64118
Can you please send your cagalog in to my adress? so i can look at it? thanks
Do u sell gold earring with name inside,ring or circle????if u do could you please lemme know…thanks!!
Can I get your website or send me your catalog?
Do you have a website with all the jewelry you might be selling?
Can you please send me your website or catalog so I can order?
Yes, can I get your website or can you send me a catalog?
Hi. Do you have a website that I can order from or a phone number? I am looking for an earring with a letter.
Thank you.
Do you have a catalog or website I can view or order on??
Need to replace gold shell earring (with pink enamel center. Is it possible to do this online?
please send a catalog on guam jewelry
Hi…do you have a catalog or a website that i can order from..Please let me know.
can you please send me a catalog that I can order from..I really want to order gold jewelry..if you could send it to me at 111 Kahului Beach Road, D403
Kahului, HI 96732
Do you have a website that we can look at please..
would like to view guam seal designs
do you have a website we can look at and also do you make gold earring (ring w/my name inside the moon or circle. pls let me know.
Do you have a web site that we could look at
This shop is pretty good. They do jewelry repair to. This where I bought my Guam seal pendant necklace.