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I bought 5 pairs of shoes at Macy’s Guam on 6/17/2014, I found the wrong cost of the one pair I had be charged. How can I get the refund? I can proved the pictures of my receipt and shoes.
I was at Macy’s this week at the Home Department when I came across CC Hernandez, Sales Representative and I enlisted her help with an item I had a problem with for the past few months. After describing the struggles I had with a merchandise, CC eased my trouble by suggesting to me to return the merchandise and she would examine the best course of action in order to address my concern. On Friday, June 7th, I was there an hour after the store had opened. Without hesitation, CC assisted me promptly and left the store very satisfied with her service. As a customer (and I’m hard to please) she offered herself to ensure that my issue was seamlessly addressed. I left the store completely satisfied. I spoke to Macy’s General Manager and described CC’s assistance to me and I made it clear that even if my issue could not be addressed, the service rendered to me by CC was remarkable and outstanding. Thanks CC for your customer service to me and my family. Ken
I purchased some beddings at your store this morning around 8:30am and I was happy to know that the staff was very helpful and accomodating. Although not everything I wanted was on the shelf, a young gentleman, which I did not get his name, continually followed up with me on my request for certain items which he gladly went back and forth in the back inventory and to my appeasment, delivered the items that I needed.
On top of that, the cashiers was pleaseant and helpful in directing me to the items of interest to me. Finally when it was time to make my purchase, I was approached and pleasantly greeted by Marie from the Lingerie Dept. She offered to secure the items which I had selected and also made her station available as she made me aware the cashier’s at Bed & Bath Dept and the Home Dept were quite busy with other customers. Upon ringing up my purchase I was also assisted by both Joslynn and Marie at the Lingerie Dept who guided me to be coupon savy and take additional advantage of your sales and even Marie offered me an extra $50 off coupon as mu purchase was over $200. Altogether I saved $304.04.
I like to thank Marie and Joslynn and all the wonderful staff at Macy’s. You help take away alot of the stress this holiday season.
Please forward this message to their respective managers that they may know what wonderful sales personnel they have working under them.
Thank you
I went to Macy’s today to return a pair of jeans, but went home happily with 2 pairs instead! Why? Rosie Ann Cruz from the women’s department walked me from the petite dept to the regular women’s dept downstairs to help me find the perfect fitting jeans!
Just because I am under 5 feet doesnt mean the petite size is made for me … I never knew that until today! Thank you Rosie Ann!
I just had to take a moment to say what a great job Rosa in lingerie did today. She was so helpful and cheerful. I actually bought a few extra items that she was able to find for me. This was a welcome experience, my previous visits to the Macys on Guam were not very pleasant. I found the associates rude and not helpful at all. So a huge THANK YOU to Rosa for a great experience today.
PS. I am still bothered by the fact that used clothing is hanging on the sale racks, it is obvious that they have been worn and washed (some) then returned. Really? I wonder what Macys corporate office would think of this?
I was at Macy’s yesterday to do some shopping and was delighted with the customer service provided in the Men’s department. A yound lady named Phitia was especially helpful. I had a pricing question and she was professional, upbeat, and very friendly in helping me. What a great sales associate!!! Thank you and keep up the great work!
I am looking for victoria’s secret. Where are at?
I’m looking for 14-k jewelers necklace. Can you please help me?
Does Macy’s on Guam have a book store? And, if yes, do you carry The Secret Garden?
On Friday, Oct.7, 2011, my son wanted to buy an Apple itouch from the vending machine at the housewares section. I had forgotten my Macy’s card at home so we decided to add credit on a Macy’s gift card to purchase the $300 item. I asked the lone salesclerk if I could write a check to pay for the difference needed on the gift card. She appeared flustered and couldn’t answer me right away, so I walked all the way to the ATM and back to get the cash. I had to hunt down the same clerk because she was also manning the linens department. It took a little time for her to figure out how much she needed to add to the card to equal the amount needed, and how much my change would be. After that whole ordeal my son happily made his way to the machine only to find out that the last itouch he wanted was bought out by someone else only minutes beforehand!! We are now stuck with a $300 gift card and NO ONE can tell us when this machine will be re-stocked. We made a subsequent visit on Sunday, Oct.9, and there were THREE salesclerks in the housewares dept. I asked all of them when the vending machine would be restocked. Two clerks did not comprehend my question and asked me to repeat myself while SAMANTHA quickly told me that she would take my name and number and would inform me when the item comes in. I still don’t have an answer to my question and I’m still out $300 but Macy’s has management material in Ms. SAMANTHA who showed courtesy and resourcefulness.
Attention: Supervisor Tony Camacho
Subject: Exceptional Staff Member – Terrance Crisostomo
I visited Macy’s Guam yesterday, Saturday, 9th October 2011 for the first time. It was my first time in Guam so was looking forward to doing some shopping to take back to New Zealand. I was amazed to find a shop so big and with lots of bargains. I am travelling on my own and on crutches, so had a colleague of mine helping me. However, I lost them in the mens department and couldn’t find them for a while. I then met Terrance a Customer Service Assistant in the mens department who was exceptional. He helped chose clothes for my husband, my boys, my cousins, etc. He went out of his way to ensure that my shopping experience in Macy’s Guam was memorable and positive. Its people like Terrance that make visitors to Guam come back and spend more money. I will definitely come back to Guam and shop at Macy’s. In fact, throughtout the day of shopping at Macy’s, womens wear, girls wear, it was only until I got to the menswear that Terrance told me about the 10% discount for visitors. If only they did the same in other departments. I would like to recommend Terrance for an exceptional award for making a normal shopping experience, and an exceptional one. Thank you Terrance and hope you get to visit us in Auckland, New Zealand one day.
One thing I’ve always hated about macy’s guam and other department stores on Guam is that most locals are treated with the same stereotypical/racist attitude as minorities in the mainland. Countless times I’ve had a sales associate literally following me around the store while other individuals are in need of assistance all around me. And in the two times that I needed assistance with something, it just seemed like my little sales spy associate would disappear…. But as soon as i moved on to the next department, There he was again!
[ADMIN REMOVED TEXT: your review above is good, but the bottom section was very insensitive and had nothing to do with Macy’s.]
I had exceptional service from STEVEN TORRES and WINDA ESPULGAR! They were so helpful and easy to talk to 🙂
Tadashi bought a Polo shirt at ralph Lauren corner in Macy’s on Octo 7, 2010. But he can’t wear it because there is a round white tag. He found it for preventing robbery. He paid by credit card. He brought it at the department store in Tokyo, but it is no use. What should he do? Please help him.
I was deeply disturbed by the customer service that I received at Macy’s in the Micronesia Mall on Sunday, December 12 at around 6:20 p.m. I approached the register and was assisted by Sales Associate, Jonalyn. However, her service was not accommodating. She insisted that I bring my items to the Ladies department to check the pricing of what I told her was on the sale rack. I then requested for her to call instead of having me walk from Houseware to Women’s department. She called the Women’s department but was impatient with me. I then told her “Forget it, to make it easier on YOU, I will walk back to the Ladies department to have someone else assist me.” She replied “Ok.” & I thanked her for her service. Customer service classes is what she needs to attend.
I like Macy’s. I always buy most of my clothes & my kids.
I’ll be heading to Guam soon and I was wondering does Macy’s in Guam have pretty much the same selection in womens clothes?
I don’t plan on shopping at Macy’s for awhile. I highly recommend that the sales associates get proper customer service training and most especially you would think that the new employees should be friendly but they don’t even know how to smile, more so greet a customer. How do you hire individuals like that? Most of your clientele are locals and trust me we are the word of mouth. Japanese customers shouldn’t be the only one treated nice it should be equal. Please advise one of your staff by the name of Ruth Sunga that she needs to learn how to be more professional when it comes to working on the sales floor. She gives bad looks and doesn’t look happy to be doing her job. She needs to know that you cant pick or choose her customers. She needs to be trained.
macy’s guam is too expensive for things that aren’t so pretty
everything isn’t always what they seem especially the macy’s employees. in the short time i have worked there in 2009 i’ve learned many things like… have to be careful who you talk about to who you’re talking to and never listen to what the other employees tell you because they will only purpously get you introuble. the manager “maria muna” definitely has favortism which i could tell right out the bat because she treated me like crap even when i admitted to something i didn’t do or wasn’t informed of. speaking of informed, they won’t update you if they don’t like you. before macy’s mens and childrens opened up, i saw on my schedule that i had a shift of 8pm-5am. not a single person told me what dress code i had to use. i showed up in a dress and heels. they would really make you feel like crap even though you mind your own business. i can’t forget the h.r manager though i forgot her name because obviously she ain’t worth keeping a memory for. she is number 1 in favortism. actually i would say she and maria are partners in crime if you’d ask me. you could only do so much for the store and your department but appreciation is something you won’t ever get. i was a part time sales associate and i tried my best to prove i’m worth keeping but they visioned otherwise. i’ve always dreamt of working for macy’s but from my experience, i will not ever work for macy’s guam again. screw them. they are not an equal opportunity employer….if you don’t like being cheated on your paychecks then i highly suggest you don’t work there. for my training i didn’t get paid for that even though i turned in my clock in sheet because at the time i wasn’t keyed into the system just yet. i also didn’t get paid for the macy’s move i did. my time wasted helping them was seriously a waste of my life. i would rather be home with my son then to help someone who i won’t be getting paid from. if you don’t believe me then go ahead and join the disrespectful, nosie, favortism, up your ass attitude people who are working for an amazing company because you’re probably just like them anyway. i honestly think they don’t deserve to represent that major worldwide company. to any employee of macy’s who is reading this don’t take anything i said to the heart because what i mentioned above is true. snap into reality and treat people equally and pay them what they’ve earned.
You get great Customer service from CC & Mae. Thanks for your great smile and service Ladies.
I wish i can work @ Macy*s. i juz LOVE fashion! 😉
I want to buy bamboo necklace.
This is one of the biggest Macy’s I’ve ever seen! I was really surprised when I walked inside. I felt like I was back in the States! Everytime I go to MIcronesian Mall this is first place I stop (haha).