JP Superstore

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Please send me your website or your contact number.
I was wondering. Do u have any job openings? Pls. Email me if so. Thank you.
Hey. I was wo
Looking to purchase Guam jewelry. Please email your website if you have one.
What does JP stand for anyways? There are so many stores around here that start with JP.
Please let me know if I found the right place.
Been trying to find where I can order those earring and necklace so long and I think I finally found where those jewelry are sold at.
any job opening
Please , email me !
email me your website or catalog am interested in buying stuffs from your store
please email me your website. i am definitely interested !
Do you have a email address to contact you?
Yes the locals have been there. We already know its awesome. We just go to the one at the local mall where all the teenagers are located. The locals know, the tourist don’t know we know, but we know.
do you have website i can see all your gold jewelry>>
do you have a website to see your items bamboo’s and some baby jewelry?
Not many locals have been in this store, but it totally rocks! They have some cool fashion designers (like Paul Frank) that most locals haven’t even heard of, but they are still cool as eskimo toes.