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Submit a QuikReview™ for: K-Mart Guam |
I bought 2 tanks of LP gas from Kmart before the last typhoon.
When the power went out I connected one of the gas to my gas stove to cook dinner. No gas came out. The second tank was the same. I threw the receipt away. So, I can’t go back to complain about it. That was typhoon Dolphin. Now typhoon ChanHom was coming, so I brought the same empty tanks back to Kmart and paid for full tanks.
I told the lady, that the tanks I’m returning were empty when I bought them. But I don’t have proof of buying them from Kmart. So, please make sure that they are full. She said they are heavy, and that’s they are right side up, signaling that they are supposedly full. The tanks upside down are empty. So, I believed her. Got Home the tanks were empty too as the ones before.
I bought it on July 2, ChanHom was expected to pass Guam
Sunday or Monday. I didn’t get to find out the tanks not having gas until Sunday. I called KMart customer service and ask how I go about
Getting a full tank. The woman told me to just bring the tank over to customer service and bring my receipt.
Knowing Kmart is open 24 hrs. I came to return the tanks at midnight of July 7/8. To avoid the crowd.
When I came to the customer service desk, I waited for the supervisor to finish with a customer. I showed my receipt and told my story. The supervisor left to speak to a a manager. When she returned all she said was to come back tomorrow morning.
I was annoyed. They inconvenienced me by giving me an empty tank. And she is telling me to come back tomorrow. What kind of manager is she if she cannot decide on something like that.
She is taking care of a customer. So, I told the supervisor that
I want to talk to the manager. She was gone again.
When she came back she introduced me to a loss and prevention
Person on duty. This guy interrogated me as if I were a thief.
Just very abrasive in his approach. Instead of understanding the problem, which he didn’t get the first time,( I had to explain to him
Twice before he got it right. ) He said “What if you used it all. And why are you returning this only now. You purchased it July 2.
I told him that I didn’t find out until Later when I tried to use it
after the typhoon. He even started a verbal exchange with me of
Invading his space because I was pointing my finger at him.
I was pointing my finger at him because he accused me of
Using the LP gas. I said if I used it there will still be enough gas to smell, when you turn the knob. This person told me, that once I leave the doors of Kmart, that I cannot return something. I told him,
Last I checked this was the United States. I can return something
Once I left the doors of this place. I have a receipt!
People you do not send a loss and prevention person to take care of customer service! They treat people like they are criminals!
So eventually the Manager on duty shows up and she took care of the situation. All I wanted was to get 2 full tanks of gas that I paid for. They replaced my two empty tanks with supposedly full ones.
I asked them to turn the knob to make sure. The MOD said ” No
I’m not going to do that” it’s heavy. It should be full.
So she , and the other woman at the customer service desk,
Loaded the tanks and left me.
I did not leave. I went to my trunk and turned the knob of one tank.
No gas smell. Brought them both down and turned the knobs of both.
No gas. So , I called the MOD again. She with another male employee, was tthere when I turned both knobs all the way to open.
No Gas….. I got my money refunded.
I have been shopping with Kmart since I came to the U.S. In 1986.
I have been shopping Guam Kmart since they opened their doors on Guam. This is the first time , after my loyalty to Kmart , I’ve been treated badly by a Kmart Employee.
K-mart should be thankful Guam will not allow Wal-Mart to open a store here. K-mart does a great business but is crowded and often out of the things you want. They are also considerably more expensive than the Mainland K-marts. While you would expect things to be a little more costly you don’t expect to get gouged the way they gouge you. They say the K-mart in Guam is the largest in the world but they must be talking about in regards of revenue because they have larger actual stores in the US. While K-mart in the US is almost extinct it is alive and well in Guam because they have no real competition.
Please send me catalog of your wedding rings.Thank you.
Do you have cameras like slr or Dslr cameras?
Probably the only large department store on Guam.
Because its the only one some items are wayy overpriced.
Pro: Open 24 hours
Con: Some staff members are belligerent and rude
However, the few workers that are there to work with people spend a lot of time helping the customers out. For that I am grateful.
They have almost everything, but some items don’t have back up stock on accessories, so beware when purchasing printers, phones, and other electronics, make sure they readily carry your ink or battery type.
I love going to Kmart. When I visit Kmart in Guam, people are friendly. I buy as much as I can to ship back to the Philippines. It’s as close as one can get to the mainland. I love Guam.
I have visited this Guam Kmart Store on many occasions while visiting my family in Guam and all of the employees were very friendly and very professional towards me. In fact the Pharmacy employees went above and beyond their time and effort to assist me. I am grateful for this store and their employees. After working in the retail industry myself, I know the difficulties it is to help “Joe and Josephine Public” -sometimes we are in a hurry – we the Public need to slow down and enjoy the customer service that is there to help us. Thank you Kmart Employees – you have been noticed doing some incredible work – we (I) really appreciate you!! Sincerely, A Happy KMART Shopper.
I don’t think I have been more mistreated whilst shopping than when I went to this Kmart. The staff is cold and rude; they disrespect the customers and a select few should be fired by now! If it weren’t for the wide selection, I wouldn’t have ever stepped foot in that store.
A lot of the in-store workers believe they own the store and rest around… so non-chalant.
Can’t wait until Guam adopts a Walmart!!!
Enfamil Baby formla
Can I buy Amazon Kindle 3 with wifi in K-Mart?
How much do I have to pay for it?
Please reply your answer as soon as possible.
Thank you..
Can I buy amazon kindle 3 in K-mart?
How much do I have to pay for it?
Just looking for cheap prices for kids(girls) clothings and etc…so if you could send me a catalog or email me pictures of what you have cheaper…
do you have a website I can access for guam jewelry?
This is a pretty big store, and lots to choose from. The prices need to come down though.
They have almost everything you need except grocery items. They have some, but not too much.
K-mart is a great place to do your souvenir shopping if you are a tourist. I think that there other products are over-priced though.
The prices used to be pretty low, and then once they settled in, they raised them. Home Depot did the same thing. So greedy.
This is the best place to do some souvenir shopping. Their items are usually cheaper and they have bigger selections for chocolate gifts.
Their staff is also very friendly and helpful. I also like the convenience of having Little Ceasar’s inside Kmart… I can have my crazy bread while I do my shopping. 🙂